"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." — Ernest Hemingway
Are You Bored?

Do You Want Milk with That?

31-oDaA7eRL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_Rupi Kaur’s Milk and Honey has been on my book wish list for a few months. When I saw the book, on sale, I brought it home and devoured Kaur in one night. That collection of poetry came to me at exactly the right time. Perfect for women empowerment, Kaur demands to be heard. And it’s exactly that, what men might not even think to write, Kaur just lets it all out. This is a plea of her soul.

IMG_1112The collection of poetry is more than 200 pages of honesty. Divided into four themes, Kaur shared her unpleasant moments and reflections, her views of the world as a woman and gave us some common ground. She feels what we feel.

Father figure is–lack thereof, that is–a theme in the beginning of the book, titled “the hurting.” One of her perspectives that struck me is that due to absent, children (who might not be children anymore) seek for their nurturer. That incomplete feeling that probably fucks you up later in life. Mothers are also portrayed roundly in her writings. Abuse and rape, always sensitive topics, are evoked strongly. The simple illustrations on some of the pages completes the roughness of the book.

Digesting what matters to the youth–love and ending love when necessary. It’s about accepting one’s body and understanding that your body and mind are evolving, always changing. One of my favorite is when Kaur talks about getting [your] period. I told you the book is probably dedicated to females.

Kaur is a young poet with solid energy. Through her, we can see ourselves, and we can sense that Kaur is also growing. Reviewed on Buzzfeed, She’s like a rare organic plant standing strong on black pavement. Check out her awesomeness at her Instagram, Twitter, and website.

Featured image above the title is taken from The Huffington Post.

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